We fade to grey

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With AI out in the open, we’re clearly on the cusp of great change.

As a writer, I definitely feel the sand shifting beneath my feet.

Lots of things concern me about generative AI in my line of work and one of them is skill fade. But, wow, people have already lost their minds and are using raw AI in newsletters, blogs and more, without even thinking about the basics of marketing copywriting that would have been at the forefront of their work, even a few short months ago.

Marketing copywriters

NoGood website has a great summary of who we are were and what we do did:

“…marketing copywriters often come from a variety of different backgrounds, straddling the midpoint between creative writing, marketing strategy, consumer psychology, and communication sciences.”

Marina Chilingaryan and Nicole Li, NoGood.

That’s a lot of human centred skills coming together right there!

And what are we doing with them?

Outsourcing them to AI.

[Face palm]

Of course, some will argue that we are gaining new ones, such as prompt writing, that will ensure generative AI will give us the outputs we’re looking for.

The frustration I feel is: we already have the skills to just write it!

Yes, if you must, use it for ideas or inspiration. But please don’t abandon your creativity and your very human-focused skills to AI.

Use it or lose it

I found this article this week and it sums everything about this topic brilliantly.

“What happens when we outsource boring but important work to AI? Research shows we forget how to do it ourselves.” – The Conversation

Think about it this way: if you lose your creativity and your human skills, then what will you become?

Does this concern anyone else too?

#SkillFade #Automaton #CreativityMakesUsHuman

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